DF Bleu Unité 5

contractions with à (L. 14)

Unité 5: En Ville
(lessons 13-16- scroll down to each lesson)

Unit Overview

This unit discusses city life in Paris, and introduces vocabulary for places of living, places around town, rooms in a house, and family members. It teaches us how to talk about where we’re going or where we’re coming from, and what we are going to do in the near future. It also talks about going to a place, coming from a place, playing instruments, games, and sports, and more. Read each lesson below for specifics.

Leçon 13- La Ville et La Maison

Leçon 13 powerpoint link (sorry, ppt not currently working)

Vocabulaire-  Dans la Ville, Où habites-tu, Dans la Maison

  • saying where you live (p196)
    places around town (p197)
    asking directions (p199)
    parts of the house (p200)

How to ask for directions

Où est-ce?- where is it
Où est-ce qu’il y a un café- where is there a cafe?
Est-ce que c’est loin?- Is it far?
C’est près- is it nearby
Ce n’est pas loin.- it is not far.
C’est à gauche- to the left
À droite- to the right
        Tout droit- straight ahead
Tournez à gauche turn left
Continuez tout droit- continue straight ahead
Traversez la rue.- cross the street
J’habite dans une maison- house
un appartement-apartment
                      un immeubleapartment building
Ma maison/mon appartement est moderne- modern
                            confortable- comfortable
Ma chambre est en haut- upstairs
                              en bas- downstairs

La maison- The house (parts of the house)
et Dans Ma Ville – Places Around Town

français anglais
un hôtel a hotel
un café a coffee house, a café
un restaurant a restaurant
un supermarché a supermarket
un magasin a store
un cinéma a cinema
une école a school
une église a church
un centre commercial a mall
une bibliothèque a library
un théâtre a theater
un musée a museum
un hôpital a hospital
une piscine a swimming pool
un parc a park
un stade a stadium
une plage a beach

**As you may notice, there are some vocab words missing or added, depending on the game**

français anglais
une maison house
un appartement apartment
un immeuble apartment building
le garage garage
le jardin garden
 la salle à manger  dining room
le salon living room
la cuisine kitchen
la chambre (de mes parents)  bedroom (my parent’s bedroom)
la salle de bains bathroom
les toilettes restroom/W.C.
le rez-de-chaussée ground floor
le premier étage second floor
une entrée
un escalier staircase
le toit roof
le grenier attic
le sous-sol basement
la cave cellar

La Maison vocabulaire (unscrambling)

La Maison vocabulaire (matching, concentration, flashcards)

La Maison hangman

Ma Ville (matching, concentration, flashcards)

Leçon 13 – Rags to Riches

Leçon 13 Jeopardy

http://www.quia.com/jw/54139.html (ville et maison= unscrambling)

http://www.quia.com/cm/19433.html?AP_rand=470140612  (Places around town and home – matching)

http://www.quia.com/jg/336600.html (vocabulaire de ville- matching, flashcards, concentration)

Leçon 14- Week-end à Paris

This lesson discusses “aller” – to go, and the near future “le futur proche“. It also discusses the contractions of à + definite article. Finally, it introduces the preposition “chez“.

ALLER – to go
(Note- aller is an IRREGULAR verb (even though it ends in -er)

je  vais nous allons
tu  vas vous allez
il/elle/on  va ils/elles vont

Je vais au stade. = I’m going to the stadium.                                          Comment vas-tu? = How are you?
Nous n’allons pas au parc. =
We are not going to the park.              Allons-y! = Let’s go!

Note de Grammaire – Contractions with à

The preposition à usually means to or at.
1. When you use à with the definite articles “le” or “les”, you must make the following contractions:
à + le = au                      J’aime aller au cinema.   = I like to go to the movies.
à + les = aux              Tu vas parler aux professeurs? = Are you going to talk to the teachers?

2. When à appears before la or l’, there is no contraction.
à + la = à la                          J’aime aller à la piscine.  =  I like to go to the pool.
à + l’ = à l’                          Marie adore aller à l’école.

Exercice: Select the correct preposition to complete each of the sentences below.
1. Paul aime manger ( à l’ / au ) café.
2. Moi, je regarde le film ( à la / au ) télé.
3. Mademoiselle C., est-ce que vous travaillez (à la / à l’) école?
4. Les camarades ne jouent pas ( aux / au ) base-ball.
5. Alice adore jouer ( aux / à l’ ) jeux vidéos.


aller (and expressions p. 206)
Grammar: à + definite article (p. 208)
Verbs: arriver, rentrer, rester (p. 210)
the preposition chez (p. 211)
aller+infinitif (near future & in the negative p. 212)

Le Futur Proche (the near future) = form of ALLER + INFINITIVE

Fun song by Mlle. C. to help you remember!

ALLER and the near future

Quia games:

http://www.quia.com/tq/143607.html (à plus the article)

http://www.quia.com/tq/281669.html (aller/ à plus the article)

http://www.quia.com/jg/341638.html (en ville)

http://www.quia.com/tq/143608.html (aller + infinitive)

http://www.quia.com/jg/329243.html (futur proche a.k.a. near future)


Leçon 15- Au Café de l’Univers

This lesson discusses “venir” – to come, to come from a place (the contractions of de + definite article). It also introduces the verb revenir (to come back). It discusses the construction noun + de + noun (for example- la classe de français). Finally, it discusses stress pronouns (moi, toi, lui, nous, vous, eux).

Note de Grammaire – contractions with “de”

Lots of games to help you practice below:

Venir flashcards and concentration

Chez + stress pronouns (multiple choice)

de + article +vocab (multiple choice story)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq15xa-C9v Y

http://www.quia.com/pop/39542.html (Jouer à / Jouer de)

http://www.quia.com/tq/143612.html (à? ou de?)

http://www.quia.com/jg/346384.html (sports, jeux, musique)

http://www.quia.com/pop/39545.html (stress pronouns)

http://www.quia.com/tq/100936.html (stress pronouns)

http://www.quia.com/cz/9783.html (venir fill-in-the-blank)

http://www.quia.com/cz/10480.html (venir)

Lesson Rags to Riches (who wants to be a millionaire?)

Practice with venir/revenir/devenir (practice quiz) – (devenir = to become)

Lesson Jeopardy


Leçon 16- Mes Voisins

This lesson introduces more family members. It goes over all of the possessive adjectives. It also shows how to indicate possession using “de”.

Possessive adjectives hangman

Possession Rags to Riches

http://www.quia.com/jg/347986.html (family)

http://www.quia.com/tq/288783.html (possessive adjs)

http://www.quia.com/tq/288782.html (possessive adjs)

http://www.quia.com/tq/274507.html (possessive adjs)

http://www.quia.com/hm/99761.html (family and poss adjs)

Some songs (pas le meilleur) pour les adjectifs possessifs

In summary, this unit was about the following vocabulary and grammar topics:

places around town (p197)
asking directions (p199)
places & other vocab around town (p210)
sports, games, instruments (p220)
other: vraiment, pas du tout, tu es sûr(e)?
saying where you live (p196)
parts of the house (p200)
family (p229)

venir, revenir (p218)
de + plus definite article (p219) – with games, sports, instruments, or places
à + plus definite article (p220) – with games, sports, instruments, or places

Stress pronouns- moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles (p221)
Noun + de + noun (p223)
possession with “de” (p228)
possessive adjectives (p230-232)
Ordinal numbers -ième (p233)

  1. 231
    -Tu es sûr(e) ?

-Oui, je suis sûr(e).

-Non, je ne suis pas sûre.


  1. 233

Les Nombres Ordinaux

2nd – deuxième

3rd – troisième

4th – quatrième

NUMBER (minus final –e (if any)) + ième

1st – premier / première

5 – cinquième

9 – neuvième

Quia links:

These links are for overall review games for the UNIT:








3 thoughts on “DF Bleu Unité 5”

  1. Bonjour! I am also a French teacher who also uses the Discovering French series. Your site is such a great resource for your students! I was wondering if you have developed any IPAs to accompany this series? (After teaching for 25 years I find myself needing to make the switch to assessing for proficiency instead of achievement and I would like to continue to use this series primarily because I am so comfortable with it.)

    1. Salut! Merci pour le message. At this time I am not currently teaching and though I may have some IPA resources packed away, I don’t have a ton on the whole. I will let you know if I do get back into it and will find any I could add! Merci et bonne continuation!

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