Quiz format info below
L’interro de révision 3:
~Quizlet de ta camarade de classe – very helpful includes most content except irregular verbs seen below (which were on quiz 2 and you must memorize their irregular forms)
~IR verbs and RE verbs (includes a link to the “Frozen” learning song!)
~ER verbs (know in the negative as well) – “Elle ne porte pas de jupe” -> She is not wearing a skirt – note the DE in negative- UN, UNE, DES become DE / D’ in the negative.
~les vêtements– study this vocab., and there are little nuances like “un manteau” is an overcoat or winter coat or outerwear coat/jacket vs. “une veste” is a jacket – could be a dress jacket and “une chemise” is a shirt (general/top) vs. “un chemisier” is a blouse (nicer material)
~May include any important irregular verbs such as FAIRE, AVOIR, ALLER, VENIR, and ETRE – see videos (new songs!) here
Quiz format :
A. Les Conjugaisons –multiple choice – IR and RE verb conjugations
B. Les Verbes –
1. conjugate various verbs ER, IR, and RE, as well as FAIRE, AVOIR, ALLER, VENIR, and ETRE *
2. Respond to questions in complete sentences.*
(know not only how to conjugate, but what they mean (scroll down for more on them))
C. Quel vêtement? – forms of “ce” and “quel”
CE and QUEL – Fill in the blank with correct form of the demonstrative interrogative adjective
1) ____________ cravate portes-tu?
2) Je porte _____________ cravate-ci.
1) _Quelle__ cravate (f. s.) portes-tu?
Which tie are you wearing?
2) Je porte __cette__ cravate(f. s.)-ci.
I’m wearing this tie here.
D. Les vêtements – matching with clothing vocabulary. Part 2 may include a question asking what you wear to do a certain sport or activity and/or “vrai” or “faux” questions.
- IR verbs:
To conjugate regular -ir verbs, you take the infinitive (finir), drop the ir, and add the following endings:finir ‘to finish’ je finis nous finissons tu finis vous finissez il/elle/on finit ils/elles finissent All regular – IR verbs will follow this pattern (*venir is NOT a regular IR verb*). Conjugate the following like finir:
Choisir: to choose
Maigrir: to lose weight
Grossir:to gain weight
Reussir: to succeed
Reussir à (un examen): to pass (a test)
Grandir: to get bigger/tallerRE verbs:
To conjugate regular -RE verbs, you take the infinitive (attendre), drop the re, and add the following endings:attendre ‘to wait for’ j’attends nous attendons tu attends vous attendez iil/elle/on attend– ils/elles attendent All regular – RE verbs will follow this pattern. So you can conjugate all these verbs in the present tense now as well:
Entendre: to hear
Perdre: to lose
Répondre à: to answer
Vendre: to sell
Rendre: to return
Rendre visite à: to visit someone