DF Blanc Unité 5 – Vive le Sport!
Leçon 17: Le sport, c’est la santé!
Quia games/activities
Les sports individuels (vocabulaire A) (matching)
Les sports individuels (hangman)
Toute la leçon (les sports, le corps, la santé)- Rags to Riches!
Le corps (vocabulaire B) (matching/concentration/flashcards)
francais | anglais |
plier | to bend |
lever | to raise |
le corps | body |
la tête | head |
la figure | face |
l’épaule (f.) | shoulder |
le dos | back |
la jambe | leg |
un doigt | finger |
la main | hand |
le bras | arm |
le coeur | heart |
le ventre | stomach |
l’estomac (m.) | stomach |
le genou | knee |
le pied | foot |
les cheveux (m.) | hair |
une oreille | ear |
le cou | neck |
un oeil | eye |
les yeux | eyes |
le nez | nose |
la bouche | mouth |
une dent | tooth |
en forme | in shape |
en bonne santé | in good health |
Je me sens bien | I feel well |
mieux | better |
Qu’est-ce que tu as? | What’s wrong? |
malade | sick |
faitgué | tired |
la grippe | flu |
un rhume | cold |
Où est-ce que tu as mal? | Where does it hurt? |
avoir mal à | to hurt |
Leçon 18: Un vrai sportif
Here is a link to more information and practice with the pronouns “y” and “en”
Jeopardy style game to practice “y” and “en”
The partitive and the pronoun “en”
Hangman practicing opinions, y, en, etc
je trouve que, je pense que, je crois que, à mon avis, etc…
CROIRE – to believe
je | crois | Je crois que le jogging est bon pour la sante | I believe that jogging is good for your health | ||
tu | crois | Tu crois en Dieu. | You believe in God. | ||
il | croit | Il croit les mensonges. | He believes the lies. | ||
nous | croyons | Nous croyons nos parents. | We believe our parents. | ||
vous | croyez | Vous croyez à votre pays. | You believe in your country. | ||
ils | croient |
Ils ne me croient pas – They don’t believe me.
Leçon 19: Jérôme se lève?
This lesson deals with reflexive verbs and associated vocabulary (such as soap, brush, hair, etc.). You need to know how to conjugate them in the present tense, in the affirmative and negative, and in the imperative (command form).
français | anglais |
se réveiller | to wake up |
se lever | to get up |
se laver la figure | to wash one’s face |
se laver les cheveux | to wash one’s hair |
se laver les mains | to wash one’s hands |
se promener | to go for a walk |
se reposer | to rest |
se brosser les dents | to wash one’s teeth |
se brosser les cheveux | to wash one’s hair |
se raser | to shave |
un rasoir | a razor |
une brosse à dents | a toothbrush |
du shampooing | shampoo |
du savon | soap |
se coucher | to go to bed |
s’endormir | to go to sleep |
du rouge à lèvres | lipstick |
se maquiller | to put on makeup |
une brosse à cheveux | a hairbrush |
du dentifrice | toothpaste |
Concentration, matching, with reflexive verbs and related vocab.
Reflexive verbs in the present tense practice
“Taking care of yourself” reflexive verb reflexive pronoun practice (you may not know all of the verbs)
Leçon 20: J’ai voulu me dépêcher
This lesson deals with reflexive verbs in the past tense. There are some new verbs introduced, and of course, you must know how to conjugate/form sentences in the negative as well. This lesson also talks about the infinitive of reflexive verbs (ie Je vais me brosser les dents, Nous allons nous dépêcher)
Jeopardy-style game- reflexive verbs in all tenses