Bon Voyage 1 Chapitre 12 – La routine quotidienne
In this chapter you will learn how to discuss your daily routine, using reflexive verbs. You’ll also learn about French television programs and daily life in France.
Here is a link to the book’s site for chapter 12 info including games, resources, quizzes, and other fun activities!
Le Vocabulaire (anything with a * is supplementary vocabulary, for expanding your vocabulary)
la routine – routine
le gant de toilette – washcloth
le savon – soap
le gel douche -shower gel
la lotion de nettoyage –
la crème hydratante – conditioner
le shampooing – shampoo
le peigne – comb
la brosse – brush
la brosse à dents – toothbrush
le dentifrice -toothpaste
la glace – mirror
le rasoir – razor
la barbe – beard
la moustache – mustache
le maquillage – makeup
le fond de teint* – foundation
la poudre – powder
le fard à paupière – eye shadow
le rouge à lèvres – lipstick
le brillant à levres* – lip gloss
la trousse à maquillage – makeup bag
se réveiller – to wake up
se lever – to get up
se laver la figure – to wash your face
se laver les cheveux – to wash your hair
se brosser les cheveux – to brush your hair
se peigner – to comb your hair
se brosser les dents – to brush your teeth
se raser – to shave
se coiffer – to do your hair
se maquiller – to do your makeup
s’habiller – to get dressed
se promener – to take a walk
se dépêcher – to hurry
s’amuser – to amuse oneself/have fun
se coucher– to go to bed
s’endormir– to fall asleep
MOTS 1 : à la maison après le dîner
le zappeur – remote
(more to come)
français | anglais |
la routine | routine |
prendre un bain | to take a bath |
prendre une douche | to take a shower |
se réveiller | to wake up |
se lever | to get up |
se laver | to get washed up |
se brosser | to brush (one’s hair or teeth) |
se raser | to shave |
se maquiller | to put on makeup |
se peigner | to comb (one’s hair) |
s’habiller | to get dressed |
s’amuser | to have fun |
se dépêcher | to hurry up |
se coucher | to go to bed |
du savon | soap |
un gant de toilette | handcloth (face cloth) |
du shampooing | shampoo |
une brosse à dents | toothbrush |
du dentifrice | tootpaste |
une glace, un miroir | mirror |
un rasoir | razor |
un peigne | comb |
une brosse | brush |
la figure | face |
les cheveux m pl | hair |
les dents f pl | teeth |
un évier | sink |
un lave-vaisselle | dishwasher |
un frigidaire, un réfrigérateur | refrigerator |
une télé(vision) | television |
une télécommande | remote control |
un magnétoscope | VCR (video recorder) |
mettre la table | to set the table |
débarrasser la table | to clear the table |
faire la vaisselle | to do the dishes |
faire ses devoirs | to do his/her homework |
mettre la télévision | to turn on the TV |
allumer | to turn on (electrical) |
éteindre | to turn off (electrical) |
enregistrer | to record, tape |
zapper | to channel surf, zap |
changer de chaîne | to change the channel |
une émission | TV show |
une publicité | commercial |
une chaîne | channel |
s’appeler | to be called, named |
tôt | eary |
tard | late |
d’abord | first |
ensuite | then, next |
enfin | finally, at last |
tout de suite | right away |
Remember learning those 16 DR. MRS. VANDERTRAMPP verbs that have “être” as a helping verb? Well, reflexive verbs also conjugate with être in the past tense!
Check out the links below for more information on reflexive verbs:
Des Jeux
Quia Flashcards, Matching, Concentration, and Word-Search
Challenge Board Chapter 12 (like Jeopardy) – a comprehensive review of Chapter 12 material
–Quizlet- flashcards for 61 vocab terms from chapter 12, as well as fun games like scatter and space race!
–Quia games with both reflexive vocab and around the house vocab
–“Taking care of yourself” reflexive verbs pop-ups choose the correct reflexive pronouns!
-This link has all the book pages for Chapter 12