Bien Dit Ch. 9

Bien Dit Chapitre 9

In this chapter, you will learn to:

plan your day
ask for and give directions
ask for information
make requests
And you will use and review:

the verb voir
the verbs savoir and connaître
the imperative
the present tense
the partitive



français anglais
entre between
le billet bill/banknote
le comprimé the pill
un pansement a band-aid
Savez-vous…? Do you know…?
À quelle heure ouvre la banque? At what time does the bank open?
près de near
ensuite then
retirer de l’argent to withdraw money
déposer to deposit
les pièces change/coins
le plan the map
tousser to cough
une toux a cough
J’ai mal à la tête. I have a headache.



Vocabulaire 1 

Vocabulaire 2

Expressions (such as prepositions, methods of transportation)

Vocabulary- health terms

All vocab 9.1, 9.2, and d’autres mots utiles (49 terms)

Forms of VOIR (present tense) (and past participle “vu”)

Forms of SAVOIR (present tense) (and past participle “su”)

Forms of CONNAITRE (present tense) (and past participle “connu”)


Practice with listening (and other activities):

Buying tickets


Other Bien Dit Chapter 9 listening and other activity links


Des Jeux:

Java Games Ch. 9 vocabulaire

Inversion – unscramble

Java Games – inversion 

Inversion – challenge board (Jeopardy)

Past tense with avoir – fill-in-the-blanks

Questions using inversion

Savoir vs. Connaitre – choose form


Challenge Board? – Jeopardy?



francais anglais
entre between
le billet bill/banknote
le comprimé the pill
un pansement a band-aid
Save-vous…? Do you know…?
À quelle heure ouvre la banque? At what time does the bank open?
près de near
ensuite then
retirer de l’argent to withdraw money
déposer to deposit
les pièces change/coins
le plan the map
tousser to cough
une toux a cough
J’ai mal à la tête. I have a headache.


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