Bien Dit Ch. 3
This chapter is all about people! You’ll learn how to describe them, and your family members and relatives. Grammar includes the verb etre (to be), possessive adjectives, adjective agreement, contractions with de, and more irregular adjectives. The culture includes things about family, as well as the province of Quebec, Canada.
francais | anglais |
fort(e) | strong |
créatif/créative | creative |
grand(e) | tall |
petit(e) | small/short |
brun(e) | brown-haired |
génial(e) | fantastic/awesome |
gentil(le) | kind |
sérieux/sérieuse | serious |
pénible | annoying |
bleu | blue |
vert | green |
châtain | brown |
mince | thin |
assez | rather/quite |
court | short |
gros(se) | fat |
marrant(e) | funny |
parasseux/parasseuse | lazy |
sportif/sportive | athletic |
timide | shy |
Vocab. 2 – “La Famille”
francais | anglais |
le beau-père | stepfather |
la belle-mère | stepmother |
le chat | cat |
le chien | dog |
le/la cousin/e | cousin |
le demi-frère | half-brother |
la demi-sœur | half-sister |
divorcé/e | divorced |
un/une enfant | child |
la famille | family |
la femme | wife |
la fille | daughter |
le fils | son |
le frère | brother |
la grand-mère | grandmother |
le grand-père | grandfather |
les grands-parents | grandparents |
le mari | husband |
la mère | mother |
ma mère | my mother |
le neveu | nephew |
la nièce | niece |
l’oncle | uncle |
les parents | parents |
le père | father |
la petite-fille | granddaughter |
le petit-fils | grandson |
les petits-enfants | grandchildren |
la sœur | sister |
la tante | aunt |