Bien Dit Ch. 1-5

Examn Final – Review

Below you will find a list of the important content for each chapter (1-5), broken down into vocabulary and functions, and grammar.
The quia review games can be found here.

Chapter 1

Vocabulary and Functions Grammar

saying hello and goodbye • subjects, verbs, and pronouns

introducing people and responding to an introduction • indefinite articles, plurals

asking how someone is feeling; responding to same • the verb avoir

talking about items in a classroom • negation

using numbers 0-30

recognizing the French alphabet

recognizing cognates

Chapter 2

Vocabulary and Functions Grammar

talking about likes, dislikes, and preferences • definite articles

discussing leisure-time activities • –er verbs

agreeing and disagreeing • irregular plurals

asking about frequency • contractions with à

using visual cues to aid in reading comprehension • conjunctionsest-ce que

Chapter 3

Vocabulary and Functions Grammar

giving physical descriptions and personality traits • the verb être

talking about family and pets • adjectives: irregulars and agreement

describing and asking about people • possessive adjectives

asking for and giving opinions • contractions with de

identifying family members • c’est vs. il/elle est

asking about someone’s family

using graphic organizers as a writing strategy

Chapter 4

Vocabulary and Functions Grammar

discussing school subjects and asking about classes • –re verbs; –ger and –cer verbs

telling time and date • le with days of the week

giving and asking for an opinion • the verbs acheter and préférer

asking about needs; telling others what you need • adjectives as nouns

inquiring about and buying something • agreement with numbers

talking about school supplies and colors

using numbers 31-201

Chapter 5

Vocabulary and Functions
• talking about sports and activities
• discussing seasons, weather. and months of the year
• locating places in town
• asking about interests
• asking how often someone does an activity
• extending, accepting, and refusing an invitation
• making plans

• the verb faire
• question words
• adverbs
aller and the “futur proche
venir and the “passé récent
•  idioms with avoir  – to be tired, hungry, thirsty, to need, etc.

AVOIR  –  to have

 j’ai                        nous avons

tu as                        vous avez/

il/elle a                    ils/elles ont

ÊTRE – to be

je suis                   nous sommes

tu es                        vous êtes

il/elle est                    ils/elles sont

FAIRE – to do, to make

je fais                        nous faisons

tu fais                        vous faites

il/elle fait                    ils/elles font

ALLER – to go

je vais                        nous allons

tu vas                        vous allez

il/elle va                    ils/elles vont

VENIR to come

je viens                        nous venons

tu viens                        vous venez

il/elle vient                    ils/    viennent
on                              elles


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