Counting in French – les numéros
Quizlet 0-100 flashcards to help you learn #’s 0-100.
This link has the numbers, and you can click to hear them as well.
Click on links on this page to listen to numbers individually 0-100+. (could help you with listening portion of midterm!)
To practice writing out numbers use this review game. (It is challenging (involves subtraction and multiplication which is not on midterm but great mental math and French practice!)
Quia is a great learning source! Flashcards, matching, concentration, word search.
Here is a great exercise that helps you distinguish between spoken French numbers .
Great game links:
Numbers 0-10
Numbers 11-20
Numbers 20-100
Voilà- great number videos to learn/practice numbers.
Numéros 0 à 9
Numéros 10 à 20
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 20 à 30
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 30 à 40
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 40 à 50
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 50 à 60
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 60 à 70
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 70 à 80
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 80 à 90
Vincent la grenouille (frog) t’enseigne les Numéros 90 à 100
More number exercises to come!
Fr. 2 – 100-10,000
Practice some of the higher numbers here! Test yourself with learning, writing, spelling, flashcards 31-10.000