Le Temps (weather)

Le Temps

 Quel temps fait-il?  This is the way to ask “What’s the weather like?” or “How’s the weather?”. Notice that it uses the verb “faire”. Most of the responses will “il fait” in the response (Which would roughly translate to “it is” in this case). But there are some verbs that you conjugate, and you do not use “faire” with those. Look at the examples below.

   Il fait beau.    =    It is nice out. (“faire” is conjugated here to mean “it is”)

   Il pleut.   =     It’s raining. (“pleut” is a conjugation of the verb “pleuvoir” – “to rain”)

Voilà les expressions pour “Le Temps” dans Chapitre 8 & autres expressions:

 Quel temps fait-il?   =  “What’s the weather like?”
   –Il fait du soleil.   =    “It’s sunny.”
   -Il fait beau.  =          “It’s nice out.”
   -Il fait chaud.    =      “It’s hot.”
   -Il pleut.  =                “It’s raining”
   -Il fait mauvais.  =      “It’s yucky out.”
   –Il fait du vent.   =    “It’s windy.”
   –Il fait frais.     =     “It’s cool.”
  -Il fait froid.   =         “It’s cold.”
   –Il y a des nuages.  =    “It’s cloudy.” (literally- there are clouds)
   -Il neige.  =  It’s snowing.

It will also be useful for you to know these expressions talking about yourself and the weather:

      –J’ai chaud.  =  I’m hot.
      –J’ai froid.   =  I’m cold.

Les Saisons    (seasons)         (“in” + season)
                       l’hiver (m)        en hiver                  (Winter)
                       l’été (m)          en été                    (Summer)
                    l’automne (m)     en automne             (Fall)
                   le printemps (m)   au printemps            (Spring)

   “In the Spring” is – au printemps and not – en printemps because it begins with a consonant; all the other seasons are masculine, but begin with vowels. Below are examples of how you can express what time of year it is:

“It’s the Fall”   =    C’est l’automne

“In the Fall”   =      en automne


Note culturelle:   In France, they use the metric system. They use the Celsius (degrés) instead of Farenheit (degrees). (C° instead of F°)

Take a look at the forecast in France from France Météo

Les Jeux pour pratiquer:   
(You will need to know this additional phrase- “Je suis trempé = I’m soaked”)

Le Temps
Get yourself acquainted with the weather vocabulary. After you hear the vocabulary, you click on the correct word to answer the question.

Quel temps fait-il? –  You will write in the answers. 

Cherche les mots –  A weather-word wordsearch.

Jeu de memoire – Memory game

Les Mots Rapides – You have to type in the weather expression you hear before the bowling ball drops.

Est-ce qu’il fait chaud?
– There will be a weather scenario depicted. You get to roll the scrolls to choose the 2 parts of the correct answer ( oui ou non ) and then the correct weather scenario.

Est-ce qu’il fait froid? – You get to be the Weather DJ! Pick from the records you to choose the correct weather scenario.

La météo en France  –  Fill in the weather for France with the help of the weather-woman.

Attrape les mots  –  In this game, you have to aim for the correct words, and move by using the left and right arrows. You must fill the words in in order!

 Chat-man –  A game very similar to Pacman. You go for the big red circles, and have to answer questions. I’m not sure if the 3rd level questions have any reason behind them. Good luck!


Autres Activités

Weather picture practice – You’ll need to know “Le ciel est couvert” / “The sky is covered” & “Il fait du brouillard” / “It’s foggy” & “Le temps est nuageux” / “It’s cloudy”.

Quia – matching, concentration, etc. with weather vocabulary 

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