Bien Dit Chapitre 8
In this chapter, you will learn about the past tense with “etre” instead of “avoir”. You will also learn housework/chore vocabulary. You will learn “pouvoir” and “devoir” in the present and past tense, “MTV” verbs, and negative expressions!
Les Corvées – Use the list of chores below to review
Ch. 8 vocabulaire- “chores” – java games
francais | anglais |
tondre la pelouse | to mow the lawn |
débarrasser la table | to clear the table |
mettre la table | to set the table |
sortir le chien | to take the dog out |
promener le chien | to walk the dog |
ranger ma chambre | to pick up my room |
faire la cuisine | to cook |
faire mon lit | to make my bed |
vider le lave-vaisselle | to empty the dishwasher |
faire la vaisselle | to do the dishes |
passer l’aspirateur | to vacuum |
balayer | to sweep |
nettoyer | to clean |
les corvées | the chores |
la maison | the house |
donner à maner au…. | to feed |
arroser les plantes | to water the plants |
faire la lessive | to do the laundry |
Past tense of -ir, and -re verbs (as well as other verbs!)
Challenge Board – ALL types (er/re/ir)- C’est super cool!
Rags to Riches basic past tense
Ch. 7/8 – irregular verbs in the past tense
Past tense -er, -ir, -re practice quiz
Irregular past tense verb practice quiz
Rags to Riches – irregular and regular verbs (may have to guess on some)
POUVOIR & DEVOIR (and a bit of “vouloir” too)
Devoir present tense battleship
pouvoir – exciting, different activity- discover a picture!
vouloir, pouvoir, voir present tense practice quiz
“Jeopardy” a bunch of verbs including devoir and vouloir
Negative Expressions
“Jeopardy” with ne…personne, ne…rien, ne…jamais, etc!
Flashcards, Matching, Concentration with negatives
Fill in the blank with forms of ne…rien, or ne…personne
Grammaire – passe compose avec etre
See more on these here
des verbes français | en anglais |
aller | to go |
venir | to come |
partir | to leave |
sortir | to go out |
mourir | to die |
naître | to be born |
entrer | to enter, go in |
monter | to go up |
rester | to stay |
descendre | to go down |
arriver | to arrive |
retourner | to return |
rentrer | to go back |
devenir | to become |
tomber | to fall |
revenir | to come back |
Des Jeux
Ch. 8 vocabulaire- “chores” – java games
Java games – past tense with etre
Can you name all the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs by first letter only?
Autres jeux a venir