DF Rouge Unité 3 Partie 2
D’habitude – usually Avant que – Before
Pendant que – while/as Lorsque – as
Au moment où – just as
Look for phrases that indicate a sudden stop or a specific day to know that you will use the past tense, vs. ongoing events (imparfait)
DF Rouge – Unité 3 – Partie 2
Faits Divers – interéssant
Quizlet – learn vocab. words
Quizlet – learn / write / spell / test / match / gravity
Quia – flashcards / matching / concentration / word search
Passé Composé v. Imparfait
– popups
– Rags to Riches (Qui veut gagner des millions?)
– R to R – present p.c. et imp.
A | B |
Quoi de neuf? | What’s new? |
Devine! (deviner) | Guess! (to guess) |
Qu’est-ce qui arrive? | What’s happening? |
Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? | What happened? |
Qu’est-ce qui a eu lieu? | What took place/What happened? |
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a eu? | What happened? (i.e. possibly bad?) |
arriver | to happen |
se passer | to happen |
avoir lieu | to take place |
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? | What’s happening? (i.e. possibly bad?) |
assister à | to be present at (a concert, a class, a meeting,etc.), to “see” (e.g. a concert) |
être témoin de | to witness |
quelque chose + de+ adjective | something (adjective) e.g. something new/old/difficult/bizarre, etc. |
C’est arrivé… | It happened… |
Ça s’est passé… | That happened… |
Ça a eu lieu… | That took place… |
hier | yesterday |
hier soir | last night |
avant-hier | the day before yesterday |
lundi dernier | last Monday |
la semaine dernière | last week |
le mois dernier | last month |
il y a deux heures | two hours ago |
il y a dix jours | ten days ago |
Je me trouvais… | I was (location) |
dehors | outside |
d’abord | first (often used in lists or descriptions) |
puis | then |
ensuite | next |
après | after, afterwards |
enfin | at last |
finalement | finally |
raconter | to tell (what happened) |
se trouver | to be (located) |
un accident | an accident |
un incendie | a fire (e.g. house or forest fire…an unwanted large fire) |
un cambriolage | a burglary |
un événement | an event |
un fait | a fact |
un fait divers | a minor news item (e.g. celebrity gossip) |
Vraiment? | Really? |
Pas possible! | That’s not possible! |
Mon Dieu! | My goodness! |
C’est incroyable! | That’s unbelievable! |
Ce n’est pas croyable! | That’s not for real! |
Tu plaisantes! | You’re kidding! |
parler de la pluie et du beau temps | to make small talk (lit. to talk about the rain and good weather) |
la météo | the weather forecast |
prédire (conjugated like dire) | to predict |
du beau temps | some good weather |
du soleil | some sun |
un ciel bleu | a blue sky (le ciel also means “heaven”) |
du mauvais temps | some bad weather |
de la pluie | some rain |
du vent | some wind |
de la neige | some snow |
une tempête de neige | a snow storm |
un orage | a thunderstorm |
une tempête | a storm (tempest) |
un ouragan | a hurricane |
du verglas | black ice/sheet ice |
briller | to shine |
Le ciel est couvert. | The sky is overcast. |
souffler | to blow |
des éclairs | some lightning |
le tonnerre | the thunder |
Il fait noir. | It’s dark. (e.g. outside at night) |
la lune | the moon |
les étoiles (f. pl.) | the stars |
tomber | to fall |
de la glace | some ice |
geler (ACCENTS like se promener) | to freeze |
il pleut | It’s raining. |
Il neige. | It’s snowing. |
Il y a un orage. | There is a thunderstorm. |
il pleuvait | It was raining. |
Il neigeait | It was snowing. |
Il y avait un orage. | There was a thunderstorm. |
Il a plu le matin. | It rained. (a set amount of time/a set time) |
Il a neigé à midi. | It snowed (a set amount of time/a set time) |
Il y a eu un orage. | There was a thunderstorm. (It’s now finished.) |
Il va pleuvoir. | It’s going to rain (soon). |
Il va neiger. | It’s going to snow (soon). |
Il va y avoir un orage. | There is going to be a thunderstorm (soon). |
des nuages (m.pl.) | some clouds |
de la brume | some mist |
du brouillard | some fog |
gelé(e) | frozen |