Fr. 2 finalreview help

1) Present Verbs

avoir = to have







aller = to go







être = to be







venir = to come







faire = to do/make








prendre = to take







voyager = to travel







mettre = to put/place







vouloir = to want







devoir = to have to








pouvoir = to be able to







sortir = to go out







boire = to drink







écrire = to write







voir = to see








connaître=to know







Connaître is used with NOUNS designating what twothings?

1) People

EX: Je connais Jean-Paul.

2) Places

EX: Tu connais bien Paris. / Il connait un bon resto.


savoir = to know







Savoir is used in what 4 ways?

1) Alone

EX: Je ne sais pas.

2) With a clause introduced by

EX: Je sais que tu as un chien. / Est-ce que tu sais si Éric va venir? / Il sait où tu habites.

(que = that, si = if)

3) Infinitive – to know how to do something

EX: Je sais conduire.

4) Information

EX: Je ne sais pas où tu habites.

(could take out as is same as above?) 4) Noun designating something learned

EX: Les élèves ne savent pas le leçon.


2) Different Tenses

Futur Proche

(aller + infinitif)

EX: Je vais manger. (I am going to eat.)


In the Process

(être + en train de)

EX: Je suis en train de manger. (I am in the process of eating.)


Near Past

(venir de + infinitif)

EX: Je viens de manger. (I just came from eating.)


3) Adjectives

  • Adjectives must agree in gender & number with the noun it describes.
  • Adjectives come after the noun.
  • Adjectives come after, except for those in BAGS.
  • BAGS comes before the adjective.







Regular Endings for Adjectives


MPL: -s

FS: -e

FPL: -es

**If the adjective ends in e or s, do not add an extra!


joli = pretty

MS: joli

MPL: jolis

FS: jolie

FPL: jolies


mauvais = bad

MS: mauvais

MPL: mauvais

FS: mauvaise

FPL: mauvaises


timide = shy

MS: timide

MPL: timides

FS: timide

FPL: timides


-il adjectives

MS: -il

MPL: -ils

FS: -ille

FPL: -illes


-eux adjectives

MS: -eux

MPL: -eux

FS: -euse

FPL: -euses


-al adjectives

MS: -al

MPL: -aux

FS: -ale

FPL: -ales


-if adjectives

MS: -if

MPL: -if

FS: -ive

FPL: -ives


beau = handsome, beautiful

MS: beau

MPL: beaux

FS: belle

FPL: belles

BV: bel


vieux = old

MS: vieux

MPL: vieux

FS: vieille

FPL: vieilles

BV: vieil


nouveau = new

MS: nouveau

MPL: nouveau

FS: nouvelle

FPL: nouvelles

BV: nouvel


3) Pronouns

Pronoun = Word which replaces a noun

Direct Object = The person or the thing which is the recipient of the action of the verb (EX: J’achète la pizza) Indirect Object = Person to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done (EX: J’écris une lettre à Paul)


(ME, TE, NOUS, VOUS can be direct or indirect but there is no agreement needed in past tense)

me = me / to me

te = you / to you

nous = us / to us

vous = you (all) / to you (all)


Present: S + (ne) + OP + verb + (pas)

EX: Je te parle. → I am speaking to you.


Infinitive: S + (ne) + verb conjugated + (pas) + OP + infinitive

EX: Tu vas nous inviter à la boum. → You are going to invite us to the party.


Passé Composé: S + (ne) + OP + HV + (pas) + PP

EX: Elle t’a écouté. → She listened to you.


Imperatif: V-OP / ne + OP + V + pas

EX: Ne me téléphone pas! → Do not call me!


Direct Object Verbs

aider = to help

aimer = to like

chercher = to look for

écouter = to listen

voir = to see

inviter = to invite

regarder = to look

rencontrer = to meet

retrouver = to find


Indirect Object Verbs

dire à = to talk to

écrire à = to write to

parler à = to speak to

téléphoner à = to call to

rendre visite à = to pay a visit to

rendre service à = to give service to

donner à = to give to

emprunter à = to borrow from

montrer à = to show to

prêter à = to lend to

rendre à = to give to



ms = le

fs = la

pl = les


Tu connais la fille? = Tu la connais?

Il voit Marc? = Il le voit?

Nous mangeons les pizza. = Nous les mangeons.


**In the passé composé, the PP must agree in gender and number with the DOP (if it comes before the verb).

**An object cannot make agreement if it is indirect.


Marc a vu les stylos. = Marc les a vus.

Elise a apporté sa guitare. = Elise l’a apportée.



s = lui

pl = leur


Tu parles à Nicole. = Tu lui parle.

Elle donne la cadeau à Luc. = Elle la lui donne.

J’écris à mes parents. = Je leur écris.


Order of Pronouns: me, te, nous, vous, >> le, la, les >> lui, leur >> y, en

EX: Je donne la pizza à Timone. = Je la lui donne.

EX: Elle a écrit la carte à Lucas. = Elle la lui a écrite.


Steps to replacing pronouns

1) Label the sentence type

2) Change proper nouns using il or elles

3) Change the object pronouns above the sentence

4) Make agreement with the verb (if DOP in passé composé)

5) Put sentence in the correct order using its format

EX: Tu m’as montré les photos. = Tu me les montrées.