Alliance Française Student Essay Competition

Attention Students! The Alliance Francaise of Doylestown is pleased to announce its 2018 Student Essay Competition. The competition is open to all Bucks County 4th and AP-level French students. The topic for this year’s essay is Un pays francophone que j’aimerais visiter (à part la France)” (A French-speaking country I would like to visit – other than France)” 

-Essays must be written in French and should be 750 to 1000 words in length. Essays will be judged on creativity, originality of thought and grammar.
-A $500 cash prize will be awarded to the first place winner! The second  place winner will receive $250. An honorable mention book prize will also be awarded. Additional recognition will be provided by the Fédération des Alliances Françaises and by the French consulate.
French 4 students, we hope you will consider participating in this contest!
Applications and competition rules are available on the Alliance Française de Doylestown website: The deadline for applications and essay submissions is April 1, 2018. Winners will be announced by May 1, 2018.
The Alliance Française de Doylestown is a not- for-profit organization which has been serving the Bucks County community for almost 30 years. Its mission is to promote and enhance knowledge and appreciation of French language and culture, and to encourage interaction among French people, speakers of French, and all those with an interest in the French way of life. The Alliance Française de Doylestown is a chapter of the Fédération des Alliances Françaises, the largest network of French language and cultural centers in the world. Its website is

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