Le Passé Composé (être)

Voilà- beaucoup d’information sur le passé composé avec le verbe “être”:

Quoi: forming the past tense using the helping verb “être”
Qui: you’ll need a subject, present tense conjugation of être, and past participle + agreement!
Comment: Take the subject, conjugate (correct form of) être, add a past participle, which will “agree” based on gender (masculine/feminine) & number (singular/plural).

Remember the key difference- you must make “agreement” with the past participle with these verbs!

1) Qui?- subject pronoun (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles)

2) Present tense conjugation of être– you should know this by now, if not, MEMORIZE it

3) Past participles– study and memorize the 16 DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs and their past participles

DEVENIR  –  to become
REVENIR  –  to come back

MOURIR  –  to die
RETOURNER  –  to return
SORTIR   –  to go out

VENIR   –  to come
ALLER   –  to go
NAITRE   –  to be born
DESCENDRE   –  to go down
ENTRER   –  to enter
RENTRER   –  to return/re-enter
TOMBER   –  to fall
RESTER   –  to stay
ARRIVER   –  to arrive
MONTER   –  to go up/climb
PARTIR   –  to leave
(PASSER)   –  to pass/go by (if used in the sense of “to spend time”, the verb uses avoir instead of être!)

4) Agreement– think of these past participles almost like adjectives – agree according to GENDER and NUMBER

Voilà les 16 verbes qu’il faut savoir:

Je suis arrivé, allé , venu,

devenu, revenu, entré, rentré,

descendu, retourné, resté, monté,

parti, sorti, tombé, né, passé, mort

Regardez ces vidéos – ce sont hyper-cool!!!



 Past tense with être “cliff’s notes” (includes an illustration of the “house of être”)

Quia word column match for DR MRS V verbs

“le pendu” Hangman with DR MRS V verbs
